
Every year I teach my  music classes Super power words throughout the school year that help them in every day life situations. We start the school year with the word and song Organization.  After a summer of a relaxed and varied schedule, it takes teachers and students a while to get back into an organized routine.

The song Organization is Pinniped the Seal’s favorite song.  His bark was part of the inspiration for the song! Needless to say, the kids love being able to mimic seals while trying to keep up with the quick pace of the song. Organization is always a good place to start the year too!

The sheet music, full song, and background track for  “Organization”  are available for purchase separately or as a bundle on my website. I often have former students tell me that they find themselves singing the song “Organization” while working or thinking about getting organized.  I think your students will enjoy the song too! The lyrics to the song are…

Or-or-or-or-or-or organization!

Helps you start your day without frustration.

Plan ahead so you can be prepared for school each day.


The music children listen to can carry with them for their entire lives. As educators, we should always strive to provide our students with a solid foundation of good habits, and lead by example. That being said, we need to be organized too!

“Organizing is what you do before you do something,

so then when you do it, it is not all mixed up!”

 A. A. Milne




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