Common Sense

“Common sense, common sense, think then act, that’s common sense.

Common sense, common sense, use it every day!

-Becky Muncy

In my elementary music classes this month, we are singing and discussing the word “common sense“. The definition of common sense is, “To use sound, practical judgement in every day life. To be able to judge, or understand in a way that is common to most people.”

I have found that one of the best ways to discuss life issues with my students is to sing about the life skill first (which makes sense in a music class) and then discuss it. It’s also helpful to pull in real life experiences to explain the meaning of the word. Using personal examples will make the meaning of the word more memorable. Most people remember things better when the information is put to a melody.

History Through Music

Many of the Blueprints for Life songs are set to folk tunes. Before teaching the lyrics to “Common Sense”, I start out teaching the background of the folk song. “Common Sense” is set the tune of “Lightly Row”. This song originated in Germany as a children’s song called “Hanschen Klein-Little Hans” in the 1800’s. the words to “Lightly Row” were taken from a Mother Goose rhyme and set to the tune of “Hanschen Klein” I teach the folk tune version to my students first, talk about the background of the song, and then we sing the “Blueprint” version of the song. This is a great way of blending music history and teaching skills for life!

Teachable Moments

The first part of the Blueprints song “Common Sense” includes the line, “Here’s a tip that can’t be beat, don’t play near a busy street.” Unfortunately, I have a very sad and personal story that relates to busy streets. As a child, one of my best friends forgot to look before crossing a busy street. I witnessed her being hit by a car and killed. That memory has never left me, and I strongly urge my students to be careful when playing near a busy street. Losing a ball, or having to wait a little longer to cross the street is a small price to pay versus losing a life.

Another section of the song “Common Sense” urges children to tie their shoes so they won’t trip and fall. Teachers in elementary schools spend a lot of time tying children’s shoes. Encouraging our students to learn to tie their own shoes is a very important life skill!

Since we live in Indiana, the weather is constantly changing. This past week we’ve had a 60 plus degree change in the temperature – crazy but true. Common sense is dressing according the the currently weather. It is amazing how many children do not come to school with adequate clothing to match the weather. We had some interesting discussions in class about how to know what to wear to school to match the weather outside. Layering clothing makes a lot of sense living in a state with such vacillating temperatures!

Other topics that are touched on in our “Common Sense” song are hygiene, good eating habits, and taking care of our pets. Perhaps it sounds strange to sing about such matters, but the children remember the music and message of the songs. We are singing and discussing matters that help them all through their lives! I have former students tell me they still sing the songs decades later!

If you want to hear a demo of the song “Common Sense” you can hear of clip of the song in the website store and purchase the song. You will find your students will enjoy singing the “Blueprints for Life” songs as well as many other songs in the store. They are kid-tested and approved!

 “Common sense is something that everyone needs, few have, and none think they lack.”

Benjamin Franklin

“Common sense is not so common.”


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