Cat Cafe


Tokyo is a bustling city of almost 14 million people!   With so many people compacted on an island, there is little space. The pace of life is fast, living quarters are small and close together. Most Japanese people work long days.  Stress is very high, and extra time is very precious. Even if people wanted to have pets, they can’t, as the animal would have no socialization and a poor quality of life.

So…where do people who want pets go to unwind – a Cat Cafe!  A Cat Cafe is place filled with cute cuddly cats.  It costs 1100 yen ($11.00) to spend an hour at the cafe.  First you take off your shoes, wash your hands, and then enter cat heaven!


There are hot and cold drinks which come with your entrance fee, candy and various games to play on one side of the cafe.  In the center and other side of the room are the main events – the cats!  This cafe had many different kinds of cats and one kitten!  The cats roam around the room freely and there are cat toys strewn around all over the place.  You cannot pick up the cats, but they will gladly come to you to play or be petted!  There are also treats to feed the cats.


We enjoyed playing with all the cats, and learning their various personalities.  The kitten ran around the room and played with every toy offered until it was totally worn out!  If you love cats, this is the place to be.  The hour flew by and before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to our new friends!

If you don’t like cats, there are also owl cafes, bunny cafes and puppy cafes.  For animal lovers, it’s a great concept and a lot of fun!

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